07 April 2007

I don't feel like blogging

currently listening to I Don't Feel Like Dancin' by the Scissor Sisters.

That is all.

Actually, there is something I wanted to say. I was watching Before Sunset the other day -- for the first time in forever -- and it was wonderful, better than I remembered. And it's all because it inspired me. Me! Imagine that!

Julie Delpy's character went on about the way her life has unfolded for her:
"So I decided, what I really wanted to do, was to find things that could be fixed, and try to fix them, you know?... the reality of it is that the true work of improving things is in the little achievements of the day... Well, for example, I was working for this organization that helped villages in Mexico. And their concerns was how to get the pencils sent to the kids in these little country schools. It was not about big revolutionary ideas, it was about pencils!"

With those words, I unearthed the inner me that's been hidden, the part of me that knows that's exactly what I want to do with my life. What that is exactly, I have no idea. But is it just me, or does that sound wonderful?! My stomach jumped, squiggled, and squirmed to the sound of her voice. I know, I know, she's a fictional character, but it's actually possible to do something like that. They're always in demand of uber eager workers willing to work small miracles for slim-to-none. I want to be one of those poor saps!

I've always thought that.. you know what, I don't what I've always thought. I don't think I've always thought anything.

Well, lately, I've been trying to find a set path. Why, though? That's so wrong of me! A scarier thing would be if I did know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Not if I didn't. Everyone around me seems so set on becoming nurses and biologists, competing with supposed friends, declaring the Undeclared. What about living? What about enjoying yourself these last few months of.. young adulthood?

I have plenty of years and seconds to think about what I should do. And even then, I shouldn't torture myself with the thought. I worry too much, worry to the point where it's all that consumes me. I have nothing left to give because I devote all my time and brainpower to thinking and not doing. What a problem! To have so many things to do, time enough to do it, but to use up all energy preemptively.

The End. One hell of an update, I'd say.

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