07 October 2010

funny dreams

Dream discussions:

I feel like lately I've been having holes in my socks. In my dreams. Like at one random point in my dream sequence, I look down and realize that I have at least one hole in the sock that I am wearing. What a random fact to dream, don't you think? And to dream this more than once, what is the meaning of this?

Like any normal person with enough time on their hands, I went for the Internet for the answer. To no avail. I mean, I found stuff, but the stuff proved to be hard to swallow. It convinced me of a growing suspicion against the business of dream interpreters, horoscopes, etc. Fact is, they tell you what you want to hear. They say some vague little spot that the average Joe would be able to effortlessly relate back to himself and make the fact comfortably fit into a scene of his life. The easier the lie is to accept, the larger the deceiver's success.

To be clear of my thought: No one would ever tip the fortune teller who tells you, 'your husband has been cheating on you with your best friend and Oh, you're going to die in about, say, 2 minutes.' No one.

In conclusion, I do not know what to think about holes in my dreamy socks. A warm hug to the person who can provide me with a fully satisfactory reply.

Funny dream of the day: I dreamt I was soy sauce, and I was pouring myself all over a bowl of rice.
Runners up: "What does it mean if I have a dream about a horse in a swimming pool?" and "What is the significance of a dream in which I am teamed up with black snakes against my aunt?"

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