27 March 2007


What am I doing up at this late hour?

Certainly, I'm mentally preparing myself for school today! And tomorrow, and the next, and you get the picture. But do I?

When I woke up this morning, I had a post all planned out. Serious! But all my thoughts have floated away from me (the tree) and into the world (the river) since then. That's a paraphrase-al from Jonathan Safran Foer whose novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close promises to be a wonderful read. I've already nearly-cried twice! If it wasn't for the mother in the room, I would have burst.

I try my best to do it in the comfort of my own world, but it's hard with the 6-7-8 billion out there and the five or so who actually care/matter. Sometimes it's hard to resist the plea for help, being the attention-grabbing creature I am. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for it. It's a great release. It just feels good, you know? It's just one of things better left alone, like moldy fruits and breads and tequila in water bottles and the like.

Do you know what I'm saying??

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