01 December 2009

My bladder will be the death of me.

Hello, old friend.

Today, this crummy day (more on this later) above all others, inspired me to return. Not that you've missed me. Not that I've been hiding. I've just been.. busy. That's what I keep telling myself, anyways.

Maybe I should just start by stating all the words I've kept inside that have been dying to break my mind's barrier. Then again, maybe I should just start small and work my way up.

So, [almost] every Tuesday and Thursday, I make my morning commute to S.F. State. Today, I admit I was running, or rather driving, late. However! I actually managed to make excellent timing and so, that is the besides the point. Here is the point.

I had to pee! Badly!

Oh, the sensation was especially horrifying today. And I do admit, I abuse my bladder quite often, test her limits, and so I am on most other occasions a seasoned holder off the "pee pee." This, au contraire, was not one of those times. I just had to go. And in my desperation, I did the unthinkable: I parked in the Stonestown parking lot. And I didn't park there and exercise every bit of sneakery I could muster, mind you; I parked as close to campus as I could and skipped toward the facilities without so much as a glance around at my surroundings. So, you know what comes next. Had I glanced, I would've realized the tow-truck-vultures lurking and the watchful-camcorder-vultures monitoring the site. And so begins my agony.

I come back after turning in the reason for all this misery, a paper for my HM class, to find.. Nothing.

Well at first, I tried to be in denial. I think I even attempted to coax my Honda into coming back with a few feeble presses of buttons of my automatic key gizmo. Of course, that failed miserably. I knew right away. There was the sinking of the heart sensation and everything.

I cried, obviously. And the rest is history.

(There's actually more, but I've grown tired of talking about this part of my day. It involves sad stories to professors, bus rides to Bayshore, and standing around with an odd creature. I'm not bitter, though, I promise. I'm just so over it =))

And so I leave you,
The Abuser of the Human Bladder and the Comma, separately of course

More to come!